Thursday, May 21, 2009


Afternoon @ UF:
2 Rounds:
10 GHD Situps
10 Elevated Pushups
10 Squats
10 KB Clean & Press, 25# (each hand)

Do 2 of each couplet for time:
Row 750m
20 Handstand Pushups

20 Thrusters, 95#
20 L-Pullups

Time: 23:18
*Hard WOD.  As suspected, the thrusters were the toughest.  RX'd at 115, I could only manage one before dropping the weight down to 95.  Those and the L-Pullups still took the majority of the time.  Looking forward to doing this as rx'd sometime in the next few months.  I guess it's time to start working on my thruster strength.

Don't do thrusters in work pants:

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