CF Rest Day.
Sleep: 7.5 hrs, then a 2 hr mid-morning nap.
Unfortunately, I woke up with blisters/pox all over my hands and feet. It hurts to open doors. I went to the doc and she said to take it easy on my hands and don't hang from things. If my feet don't feel like they're going to explode, I'll do 3x3 low-bar back squats later.
Are you getting my texts? The cert sold out. Did you get in?
Bummer man. I have been getting your texts and replying, but apparently, my texts aren't getting back to you for some reason. Can you shoot me an email with the address you're using? I sent you an email a week or two ago and it just got kicked back to me.
Sucks about your hands! What the heck? Was it an allergic reaction, or do you have chicken pox?
I hope you got my phone message. Looks like there are actually 9 more spots available in the oly cert even though the main site says it's sold out. So go sign up young man!
Here's the link for your convenience
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