Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Evening @ PCF:
3 Rounds of:
15 KB Swings, 53#
15 Spider Lunges
5 Hollow Rocks
5 Walking Pushups

21-15-9 of:
225# Deadlift
Ring Dip

Time: 5:02

Need more sleep.

B: 4P/4C/12F
2 sausages 4P/12F
1 orange 2C
mushrooms/grnbns 2C

S: 2P/2C/6F
2oz chx 2P
2 carrots 2C
18 walnuts 6F

L: 4P/4C/12F
4oz chx 4P
1 swt potato 3C
6 strbry 1C
36 almonds
*very full/tired

D: 4P/4C/12F
4oz chx 4P
8 strbry 1C
1 swt potato 3C
36 almonds 12F

S: 2P/2C/6F
1 sausage 2P/6F
2 carrots 2C

Total: 16P/16C/48F

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you posted about your sleep, I'll need to know that as well. Good format and notes though, lets see how the rest of today and tomorrow play out.