All day at Rogue Fitness in Gahanna, OH:
Warmups: variety of stuff all day.
WOD #1:
21-15-9 of:
Deadlift, 275#
Pullups, Chest-to-Bar
Time: 12:16
WOD #2:
5 Rounds of:
7 Kettlebell Thrusters, 53# each
11 Burpees
Time: 7:58
WOD #3:
Row 2K.
Time: 7:13
Total Time: 27:27
*What an amazing day at the qualifier. Only the top 30 athletes of Saturday were allowed to compete in the event on Sunday. I placed 50th overall and was very happy with my effort. My 5-rep max on deadlifts is 275, so pulling that crap off the floor another 40 times was the hardest part of the day. At one point, I think I saw an elf or something run by and nail my bumper plates to the ground. If I find him, there will be hell to pay. Where I felt really good warming up with the pullups, the WOD only yeilded 2-4 pullups at a time. The bar was slick and my physical capacity to pull my chest to the bar was taken down a few notches from the deads. At about the 6 minute mark, I knew I would complete it and finishing up at 12:16 made me really happy that I could at least finish a big freakin WOD in the time allotted.
The second WOD I knew I would do pretty well. Burpees are a mental test, nothing physical about them. (If they are, you just need to do more burpees.) I finished that in less than 8 minutes and ahead of all the N. KY and Cincinnati folks. KB Thrusters were an excellent idea and gives me some new ideas for my future training ... KB Grace maybe...?
WOD 3 I knew I would hold my own. I've rowed 2K before and PR'd at 7:06. After the last two events, I had a feeling I wouldn't PR on the row, but still set my sights on sub-7. Unfortunately, I came in at 7:13, still holding my own with some of the firebreathers stacked in my heat. The last 500 meters was the hardest row I've ever experienced. About a quarter way through, the C2 expert came over and commented that he loved my rowing technique and should keep up the hard work and nice pace. Quite a motivating boost! I came out of the gate too quick, with a 1:38 pace, but after a few hundred meters, the pace dropped considerably, projecting my time of completion at 7:09. I held that as long as I could and dropped a little more toward the end. It was a great cap to a hard day of work.
Overall, I loved the WODs and it definitely gave me an idea of where I compare to other CrossFitters. Placing 51st was no joke and am super-stoked that I completed all the workouts, leaving nothing else in tank. I've heard some people that they've never felt the kind of pain that they do at competitions. I think I'm doing something right in my training, because I know I've felt that pain before, I just don't like being reminded what it feels like. In order for me to compete in Sunday's event, I would have had to shave off 5 minutes somewhere. And I really don't think I could have shaved off more than two seconds the entire day. That's when you know you have pushed it.
From here, it's back to training. I'll most likely videotape the send-in workouts to see where I compare again. Thanks to everyone that showed up and provided some great coaching and ecouragement. The Games in Aromas will be getting 12 serious athletes that will put up quite a fight! 'Till 2010.
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