Tuesday, March 4, 2008


"Filthy Fifties"

Just happy to have completed it. Forgot my sheet. Had to improvise where memory lapsed.
Warmup: 5min row: 1042 meters
5 min stretching
50 boxjumps (20")
50 pullups (all assisted, from -50# to -80#)
50 KB swings (25#, to the top)
50 lunges

50 wallballs
20 hanging knee2pit
30 on back knee2elbow
50 straightlegged deadlift (45#)
50 pushpress (45#)
25 burpees
.25MR (had to make up for other 25 burpees)
50 barbell curls (24#)
50 upright rows (45#)
50 back extensions (most with some assistance)
1 min dead hang
Time: 46 min

~7 min rest
.5MR: ~5 min

Brutal. Can't wait for tomorrow. Ready for a run.

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